Why Is My Kitchen Faucet Handle Stiff

Why Is My Kitchen Faucet Handle Stiff?

Do you have a kitchen faucet handle that’s increasingly hard to move back and forth? Or maybe it’s stuck in the on or off position? If so, then you’re probably wondering why this is happening.

In today’s blog post, we will explore what can cause your kitchen faucet handle to become stiff and provide some tips for repairing it. Read on to learn more about how to fix a stubborn kitchen faucet handle and avoid future problems.

Why Is My Tap So Hard to Turn?

If you are having difficulty turning your tap, the issue could be due to a number of factors.

Common issues that can cause taps to become difficult to turn include mineral deposits built up inside the pipes, water pressure issues, or an old and worn-out washer located at the base of the tap.

If your tap is still proving difficult to turn after troubleshooting these common causes, you may need a plumber’s assistance in order to identify and fix the problem.

The first step in diagnosing why your tap is so hard to turn is to inspect for build-up particles such as sediment or lime scale.

If there is evidence of build-up along any part of the pipe line leading from your house, it may be necessary to flush the system with an acidic cleaner in order to clear out any blockages.

If a build-up of particles is not discovered, it may be that the water pressure is too high or low for optimal use.

This can cause the tap to become difficult to turn and should be checked by a qualified plumber.

Finally, it could be possible that your tap’s washer needs replacing. Washers are designed to withstand wear and tear but if they have been used continually over long periods of time, they can start to degrade and make turning taps more difficult.

Why Is My Kitchen Faucet Handle Stiff?

If your kitchen faucet handle is stiff and difficult to operate, there are a few possible causes.

The most common cause of a stiff handle is mineral deposits that have built up inside the faucet over time.

In addition, your kitchen faucet may be suffering from parts that need lubrication or tightening, corrosion on the internal components, or wear and tear on the seals inside the faucet.

The best way to check for these potential problems is to disassemble the faucet and inspect it closely.

Depending on the type of faucet you have, this can either be relatively easy or quite complicated; if you’re uncertain about how to do it yourself, contact a plumbing professional who can quickly diagnose the issue and fix it for you.

If your faucet’s handle is stiff due to mineral deposits, there are several ways to address this.

The easiest solution is to try a mixture of vinegar and baking soda on the handle; simply pour some of each into a bowl and mix them together until they form a paste.

Use an old toothbrush or cloth to apply the paste to the faucet handle, then let it sit for 15-20 minutes before wiping off any residue with a damp cloth.

If that doesn’t do the trick, you may need to use a more aggressive cleaning solution like CLR or Lime Away; be sure to follow their instructions carefully when using these products.

Read: Why is my kitchen faucet handle hard to turn

3 Causes of Stiff Kitchen Faucet Handle

1. Worn Out O-Ring: The most common cause of a stiff kitchen faucet handle is a worn out O-ring. An O-ring is a rubber ring that seals the connections between components and prevents water from leaking.

Over time, these rings can become brittle and no longer provide an effective seal, resulting in the handle feeling stiff or difficult to turn.

2. Corrosion: In addition to wear and tear, corrosion can also lead to a stiff kitchen faucet handle. This occurs when metal parts come into contact with water and oxygen which causes them to oxidize over time, making them harder to move or turn.

Additionally, corrosion can damage internal components like the valve stem which will cause the handle to become more difficult to operate.

3. Mineral Build Up: Minerals in the water can also cause a kitchen faucet handle to become stiffer over time. These minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, can build up on the internal components of the faucet and cause it to stick or resist movement.

Additionally, these minerals can corrode the metal parts which will further contribute to the stiffness of the handle.

Taking proper care of your kitchen faucet and regularly inspecting all components for wear and tear are key ways to prevent and address a stiff kitchen faucet handle.

If you find that none of these causes are present, then it may be time to replace your kitchen faucet with a new one.

Replacing your kitchen faucet with a quality product will ensure that it operates efficiently and correctly for many years to come.

By understanding these common causes of a stiff kitchen faucet handle, you can take the necessary steps to address any issues quickly and effectively so that you can get back to enjoying your sink in no time.


There are three possible causes of a stiff kitchen faucet handle: the valve seat is worn out, the o-rings need to be replaced, or the packing nut is too tight.

If your tap is still hard to turn after trying these solutions, you may need to call a professional plumber.

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